Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why I never read "real" books

I really like stories and reading, I do, I do. But when I get to 3/4's of the book I start slowing down and eventually stop reading all together before I finish it. Why? Well there ARE a couple of reasons:
1) I'll get to know the ending, I can't change it
2) I'll run out of story and miss the characters
But even so, of course I read the whole book, no matter what (unless I really don't like it).
And yesterday I decided to finish reading the first book of "The IdhĂșn's Memories" saga. I started it back in January, after the exams, but then with all that lets-get-this-birthday-presents-done stress, I dropped it for a while, only 5 chapters missing. But I got back to it and read them yesterday.
All I can say is: I'M SO FURIOUS AND SAD. This is a goddamn saga so why does all I never wanted to happen, happen in this FIRST book? I'm seriously dumbfounded and I cried all the way through the last 2 chapters or so.
It's really infuriating. I have to read the rest to calm my anger. Probably that won't work, but I need to know what happens!

Who would've thought I'd like this kind of book so much eh? (It has dragons, and Unicorns and wizards, sorcerers, and weird humanoid species, and a different world, and all of that - basically the type of book I wouldn't read unless reccomended by someone).

And this, kids, is why I should stick to manga/anime, at least I'm used to cry over that.


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