I love to read, even if sometimes I’m SLOOOOOW at finishing books… Scratch that – I’m ALWAYS slow. My favourite type of books would englobe supernatural/fantasy themes (but I’m not a particular fan of narrations like ‘The Lord of the Rings’ or ‘Eragon’), as well as some romance or gore/horror. Being me an otaku – yes I do enjoy manga (otherwise known as “japanese comics”)-, give me a good BL one and I’ll be a happy person.
Of course- I love music. As to be expected of a teenager, eh? My favourite genres would be Rock, Pop, Indie & Alternative. Including variations. I also like Japanese music and some Korean songs also fall into my favourites.
And Movies: I’m a big fan, even if I don’t watch them that much. My all time favourites are the works of Mr.Tim Burton, he’s a genious. Of course, I love the Burton/Depp combo – as Johny Depp is undoubtfully one of my favourite actors. My favourite genres are the same as my book preferences, adding comedy. I also am a Harry Potter saga fan, and I do enjoy Twilight, I’m just not an obcessed fan, over either of those.
I’m a huge sucker for Alice in Wonderland, Victorian Era, vintage and gothic themes!